Intelligent multi-agent systems platform consisting of micro-laboratories specialized in the monitoring the water quality of the Romanian Danube and Danube Delta
The MultiMonD2 project proposes the development of a multi-agent platform consisting of micro-laboratories specialized in the monitoring the water quality of the Danube and Danube Delta and the testing of its decontamination capabilities.
To this end, robotic vectors will be realized which will integrate systems for the investigation of Danube's water quality and dynamics. The acquired data will be collected and interpreted by a dedicated software system, operated from a control center. The robotic vectors will be equipped with sensors systems and devices for diagnostics organized as micro-labs for the monitoring of water quality, management of floods and sediments.
The project (MultiMonD2) is made of 4 interdisciplinary and complementary projects, interconnected through specific objectives aimed at achieving the general objective: development of the MultiMonD2 multifunctional platform. Therefore, the aerial and surface water vectors will be used used as carrier systems for the sensor based detection equipment (developed in project 1). Project 2 proposes the development of a technical solution that allows the optimizing of communication from the different types of sensors mounted on the robotic vectors and includes software modules that will interact with the Control and Command Center developed in project 3. Project 4 constitutes a 'proof-of-concept', which proposes, based on the results obtained and processed in the other projects, a solution for local decontamination.
The consortium is made of 5 partner institutions. The institutional consolidation of the partners is achieved by: i) ensuring new positions for young people in the field of research, ii) development of novel/improved technologies and iii) the providing of research and technological services with impact in the economy.